About MR TechIT

Hi, I’m Richard Banks, one of the founders of MR TechIT.

Apart from a short stint in the Royal Air Force Regiment. I’ve pretty much worked in IT for over 25 years. Starting in IT training, IT support, managing and designing IT infrastructure, and then on to IT operations management for a couple of well known brand companies in the UK.

I set up MR TechIT based on my experiences throughout my IT career and from my years of being the family IT guy where all kinds of questions some as simple as “how do I make this image smaller, so I can send this email?” to “How do I connect these Bluetooth headphones to my laptop?” and “I’m thinking of getting a tablet which one is best?” were asked fairly frequently.

I’ve always had a keen interest in anything gadgety, being interested in smart tech way longer than I can remember. I have an uncanny knack of being able to incorporate a computer into something I’m doing, for instance my partners rock/pop bands, I look after the lighting and digital mixing desks that control the sound.

Anyway enough about me and more about MR TechIT, where we as a business hope that MR TechIT differs in its offerings, provides good customer service, sound advice and information that is simple and easy to understand. Helping you as the customer to feel in control of your technology, and trust that we are always suggesting the best equipment and course of action for your individual needs.

Thanks for checking out my about info. I really appreciate it! and hope you'll choose MR TechIT in the future.

Many regards


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